This article is devoted to the history of bipolar disorder. Learn when it was first mentioned and how everything started.
Stress Relief Videos! Take a Tissue Videos to Relieve Stress! Take a Tissue
The scientists have proven that women tend to experience stress less and get rid of it quickly because they cry at least every two weeks! “No woman, no cry” – is wrong. Here is a collection of the stress relief videos. They are really touching, but they all are “a try not to cry challenge” even for brutal men. So take your tissue, shot the door and enjoy. You’ll reborn after watching this stress relief videos. And you don’t have to tell anyone, what you do once a week for an hour. Big girls do cry. Strong men should also weep it out.
I don’t care for the final shots and the product for the advertising, as long as the ad is emotional and full of meaning. I loved the comment to one of the videos:
“I just cried over the ads of shampoo!” I nearly did the same. And I’m not ashamed.
The stress relief videos
The world winner of Best AD 2015
When the music is inside
It is really heart touching…..I almost cried…
That would be my favorite one
A simple act of caring creates an endless ripple that comes back to you
You can’t change the destiny, but you can create a new one
Make sure there’s nobody around because your weeping will be loud
Words matter for the point of view
No need to speak the language to get the point… A tearful love story
True Story, Thai Commercial – A Mother, a Daughter and a Pineapple
Mind the Gap Tube announcement returns after wife’s plea. Based on a true Story.
We must learn how to help poor people. Please see this video and learn.
Inspirational Video – Hospital Window
Follow a man as he affects multiple peoples’ lives with just one dollar, proving that it doesn’t take much to be the change in someone’s life.
I’m happy to know that such people still exist in our world
We hope you enjoyed and these stress relief videos and they became a source of your motivation.
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By Maria Shevtsova
Born in Belarus, 1985, a pedagogue and family psychologist. Taking action in support groups organization and social adaptation of the people with mental disorders. Since 2015 is a chief editor of the project, selecting the best and up-to-date material for those, who want to get their life back or help someone dear, who got into mental trap.
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