This article is devoted to the history of bipolar disorder. Learn when it was first mentioned and how everything started.
Can Depression Affect Menstrual Cycle?
A lot of issues can affect the menstrual cycle, making it erratic, heavy, or missing altogether. If you find out that you have problems with your menstrual cycle, then you need to review your lifestyle for that matter.
Here are possible reasons why your menstrual cycle goes haywire.

Rigorous Exercise
Marathon runners have a great chance of losing their periods. This is because if you exercise rigorously and have a low body fat, you can put your body in a state of stress.
In fact, in a study involving exercising women, it was found out that they experienced subtle menstrual irregularities.

Being Overweight
If you carry extra pounds in your body, there is a tendency that you sabotage your menstrual cycle more than just your skinny jeans. This is because excess fat cells can result to elevated levels of estrogen.
Consequently, it can ultimately stop the ovaries to release eggs, as the endometrial lining will continue to thicken. In fact, obese women have the tendency to experience heavy, infrequent, and long-lasting periods.

Being Underweight
When you are underweight, your estrogen levels might not be sufficient. Having inadequate levels of estrogen, you can’t build our uterine lining and have a period.
However, if you only dropped a few serious pounds, but kept within the healthy range, your body might be able to adjust within a few months’ time.

Prescription Drugs
Any medication that may involve hormones have an impact to your period. Moreover, if you are having thyroid medication, antipsychotics, and steroids.
So, if you are having a couple of days late on your menstrual cycle, there is no reason to panic. Just consult your doctor, if your period will be a week early or late in a consistent manner.

If you are working with pesticides, you are at risk of blocking with the hormones of your body, as they mimic your hormones. This will make your endocrine system to function improperly.

It might be surprising to know that your periods could become shorter before it gets longer, as you approach the menopausal age. This is due to the shifts in your hormones.
At some point, the eggs in your ovaries would decline in number such that your periods will become infrequent.

Poor Sleep
Skimping on sleep surely make you feel off, but your cycle can also get a bit thrown off due to your subpar slumber patterns. This is because your reproductive hormones can be affected with your shifting body clock.

A lot of people are not aware that depression is a great contributor for the inconsistent menstrual cycle of women. As a matter of fact, depression can affect any person at any age in which genetics and stress play a role in this.
Moreover, a research has backed this claim with more than 20% of women to suffer depression at some point in their life. This can make them vulnerable when they are in their childbearing years.
At the same time, many irregularities have been linked to depression. Depression indeed can affect the menstrual cycle in a number of ways.

Hormonal Changes
When you experience changes in hormones like estrogen and progesterone, it can affect the function of the brain chemicals and will eventually cause depression.
This happens during the pre- and post-menstrual phase in which you will be bound to experience early signs, such as anxiety and headaches.
Premenstrual syndrome can also happen before your menstrual cycle. This has been the result of changes in your hormones, which can also be a sign of depression.
For some women, they experience a depression disorder called premenstrual dysphoric disorder, which results from hormonal changes. This is known as a severe type of depression.

A stress hormone called cortisol causes the shutdown of the reproductive function of the body. Thus, you will feel chronically anxious, depressed, and stressed.
If the cortisol levels will increase in response to severe stress, an organ in your brain will cease sending signals to the ovaries. Therefore, your ovulation cycle will begin to experience delays, causing absent or late periods.
Overall, the emotional health of every woman can affect her menstrual cycle. Once your doctor has determined depression to be behind this, you should find ways to reduce stress and treat this condition before it’ll be too late.
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By Marion Reeves
Marion is a content writer and editor. Her posts are always informative and up-to-date due to her admirable professionalism and distinctive way with words. In her free time, Marion plays with her two beautiful kids and takes care of her garden.
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